Hobson Valley Animal Clinic

6720 Rt 53
Woodridge, IL 60517



Cat hiding in boxLinks to useful information on common health conditions in cats

Chronic renal disease in cats

Feline CRF Information Center Banner

The feline CRD Information Center was established in 1996 and is a very informative website on many aspects of chronic kidney disease in cats

feline practitioners logo

Diabetes in cats

This website is provided by the American Association of Feline Practitioners- this link leads to information about diabetes in cats and has links to videos on how to collect urine of cats, how to give insulin injections and how to run a blood glucose (sugar) test on your cat at home

Feline idiopathic cystitisCat Straining

Feline lower urinary tract disease    feline Straining

Feline Urinary Blockage